Low Cost Functional Trainers - Cable Cross Over Machines

Functional Trainers have become a staple addition to any gymnasium or personal training studio. They are compact, effective and allow numerous exercises to be completed from the one station. A functional trainer is like a compact cable cross over machine. Aussie Fitness stocks a huge range of functional trainers and cable cross overs from reputable brands like Commando Strength, GymKing, BodyCraft and Athletic.

Lat Pulldown Attachment for GK-6000/GK-7000

Lat Pulldown Attachment for GK-6000/GK-7000

$115.00 $139.00

Commando Safety Spotter Arms

Commando Safety Spotter Arms


GymKing GK-7000 Multi Function Centre (Plate Loaded)

GymKing GK-7000 Multi Function Centre (Plate Loade

Now  $2,499.00 $3,999.00

Commando Elite C10 Multi Function Centre

Commando Elite C10 Multi Function Centre

$2,999.00 $3,499.00

Commando Commercial Cable Cell

Commando Commercial Cable Cell

Now  $3,999.00 $4,999.00

Commando Elite C20 Multifunction Centre

Commando Elite C20 Multifunction Centre

$3,999.00 $4,499.00