Buy Fitness Upright Bikes

Upright Exercise Bikes are possibly the most low impact for of exercise around. Many physiotherapists recommend upright exercise bikes for people with knee problems as the motion of riding helps to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint.

Exercise bikes are also a great option if you don't have a lot of room as they tend to take up less space than a treadmill or cross trainer.

Bike Floor Mat

Bike Floor Mat

$59.00 $69.95

Athletic 240BV Upright Exercise Bike

Athletic 240BV Upright Exercise Bike

$299.95 $349.95

Athletic 290BV Manual Upright Bike

Athletic 290BV Manual Upright Bike

$399.00 $479.00

CardioMaster X-Rider UB110 Programmable Upright Bike

CardioMaster X-Rider UB110 Programmable Upright Bi

Now  $449.00 $699.00

Bodyworx ABX250AT Upright Bike

Bodyworx ABX250AT Upright Bike

$498.00 $599.00

Athletic 1200 Upright Exercise Bike

Athletic 1200 Upright Exercise Bike

$699.00 $899.00

Bodyworx ABX450AT Exercise Bike

Bodyworx ABX450AT Exercise Bike

$799.00 $899.95

Bodyworx ABX600 Upright Bike

Bodyworx ABX600 Upright Bike

$999.00 $1,199.00

GymKing Air Bike

GymKing Air Bike

$1,199.00 $1,399.00

Pure Design AB10 Air Bike

Pure Design AB10 Air Bike

Now  $1,299.00 $1,899.00

GymKing Premium Commercial Air Bike

GymKing Premium Commercial Air Bike

$1,499.00 $1,699.00

Vision U60 Upright Exercise Bike

Vision U60 Upright Exercise Bike

$2,399.00 $2,799.00

Insight RU5 Commercial Upright Bike

Insight RU5 Commercial Upright Bike

$2,499.00 $2,999.00

Vision U600E Upright Bike

Vision U600E Upright Bike

$3,699.00 $3,999.00

Athletic UB-1700 Upright Bike
HCE Commercial Air Bike